Good control is good business. Total Control is great.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

We Won't Do It - Guaranteed

Make you change carriers.
Waste your time. 
Charge you a contingency fee for cost recovery.
Charge you commission for any reason.
Take commission or payments from carriers or anyone.
Make you open telecom and cellular invoices.
Try to sell you software, services, or hardware.
Make you gather invoices, contracts, or records.
Think spreadsheets are boring.  
Forget to change your pooled cellular minutes.
Allow your inventory to become inaccurate. 
Charge you extra for cost recovery.
Charge you a procurement fee.
Accept a procurement fee.
Stumble on our commitment to you.
Ignore a telecom or cellular trouble ticket. 
Not follow through on a move-add-change-disconnect (MACD). 
Charge you extra because we had to work longer hours to get a project complete.
Tolerate not knowing the what and the why of each line item on each bill.
Say, “Good enough for now.”
Let our phone ring more than 4 times when you call. 
Be silent and let you make a second best decision.
Neglect your phone call or email.
Outsource any part of our service to you.
Breach confidentiality.
Chew with our mouth open.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dull Story about Disconnected Internet Circuits

Telecom and cellular administration can get tedious.  That is one reason why it gets ignored.  Or, sometimes it gets de-prioritized because of urgent problems.   

CMS saved a company an additional $3,533.66 per month. 

Problem.  The company’s telecom manager, the accounting staff, the telecom carriers, and the agent did not have the time or inclination to examine billing associated to circuits.

The company did not notice the over billing, because their costs had remained about the same. 

After the company hired CMS, we concluded that several internet circuits served no purpose.  The rub was that a vendor convinced the client that two specific circuits must not be issued disconnect orders.  CMS provided the client with photos showing that nothing was connected to those circuits. 

CMS wrestled with the carriers and vendors, and did all the work.  The savings belong 100% to the client.  The account now bills correctly. 

We remove at least 90% of telecom and cellular tasks from your to-do list, and simultaneously reduce your hard-dollar costs.  Click here for background.

Let us achieve measurable results for you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

$209,000 Credit

A jaded CIO exclaimed, “It’s a miracle” because the carrier credited $209,000 to his company's account. 

Prior to engaging CMS, the client’s internal telecom manager had pursued this credit for 3 years.  The carrier previously refused to issue a credit, or even partial credit.   

CMS’ time, expertise, and enthusiasm resulted in the credit to client.  And, CMS has freed staff time to pursue other key objectives.  The CIO recognized CMS’ efforts, “Thanks for continuing to drive this to completion.” 

CMS never takes a commission from carrier or client. 

What if an audit company recovered this credit?  A contingency fee of 20% to 50% would have been charged. 

Pay us a flat fee for our work, and you keep 100% of the results.  

Please click to visit us.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Example of Detail in Telecom and Cellular

Don’t laugh or roll your eyes. 

This is an example of how our detailed attention to telecommunication and cellular administration reduce monthly expense. And, no, this is not the only problem for this new client. 

A regional telecom company over billed a CMS client by $8.49 per month. CMS identified and corrected this problem with the carrier. We followed through to assure the correction appeared on the billing. 

The result is that the client saves $8.49 on this particular account. The regional telecom company issued a one-time credit of $343.68. 

Why wasn’t this fixed 2 years ago? Nobody at the client's office had the time, expertise, or interest. An audit company overlooked this issue and others because their commission (versus the hassle) was not worth the effort.

We never take a commission or contingency fee from carriers or clients. This is one reason why we excel in accruing results for our clients. 

This example of a very small correction demonstrates our detailed attention to our clients’ telecom and cellular. What did the client have to do in this situation? Nothing, that's the point. 

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