Don’t laugh or roll your eyes.
This is an example of how our detailed attention to telecommunication and cellular administration reduce monthly expense. And, no, this is not the only problem for this new client.
A regional telecom company over billed a CMS client by $8.49 per month. CMS identified and corrected this problem with the carrier. We followed through to assure the correction appeared on the billing.
The result is that the client saves $8.49 on this particular account. The regional telecom company issued a one-time credit of $343.68.
Why wasn’t this fixed 2 years ago? Nobody at the client's office had the time, expertise, or interest. An audit company overlooked this issue and others because their commission (versus the hassle) was not worth the effort.
We never take a commission or contingency fee from carriers or clients. This is one reason why we excel in accruing results for our clients.
This example of a very small correction demonstrates our detailed attention to our clients’ telecom and cellular. What did the client have to do in this situation? Nothing, that's the point.
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