Good control is good business. Total Control is great.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Give Credit Where Credit is Due

CMS generated a $2,137.84 credit for this client.  The Director of Network Operations sent an email to us:

                                        Thank you Renee!  CMS rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's what happened: A human error by the carrier caused two analog phone lines to be set up incorrectly, and bill incorrectly.  CMS identified the problem, worked to completely solve the problem, and confirmed the client received the credit.  This was 10 months of follow through, working with a large, slow moving, carrier. 

This client manages skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities located throughout the western United States.  

In this example, the client saved $2,137.84.  Pure savings.  CMS never takes a commission from carrier or client, so there is no conflict of interest.  CMS did all the legwork, and follow through, on this problem. 

CMS’ sole business is to reduce your staff workload while also reducing your monthly hard-dollar costs, by carefully managing your telecom and cellular.  For a better look at our business model, and the measurable results we deliver, look at  Or, talk to us (503) 972-9999.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cancel Your Corporate Cellular Accounts and Save Money

Look at your corporate cellular cost, and divide by number of devices to determine your average per device cost.  Are corporate smart phones an employee perk?  Should you pay for data plans for tablets? 

The obvious.  If an average per employee cost to your organization is $75 per month, and you transition to employee liable cellular with a $40 stipend, you save $35 per month per device.  Importantly, you simplify your organization, and eliminate the risk of fraud and overages costs. 

Save time, too.  Employee liable cell devices cut support costs.  Your staff can focus on more strategic projects.  Eliminate: Trouble tickets, move-add-change-disconnect, accessories, add new employee, terminate employee, user error support, upgrade eligible, pooling, fraud, expense code allocation, taxation issues, finding and correcting carrier errors. 

Nothing can be this easy.  There are reasons to keep corporate plans, such as HIPAA compliance, perceived data security risks, employee perceptions, company access to phone records, terminated employees keeping a corporate phone numbers, and early termination fees are some reasons why organizations choose to keep control with corporate liable cellular plans. 

Why do you have corporate cell phones?

Should you like to transition to employee liable phones, or simple reduce staff time and monthly hard-dollar costs, please contact CMS.  (503) 972-9999